The fourth installment of the Planet of the Apes movie, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, opens with a very emotional scene. Caesar’s corpse is seen bounded by hundreds of howling chimps.
Caesar’s dead body is fully covered in flowers and ritually burned. Cut to the next scene, the movie then revolves around 300 years following Ceasar’s death.
Moreover, the movie didn’t follow up on what happened after Caesar died. Instead, it moved fast forward to three centuries ahead with the tale of a new story.
Kingdom of the Planet of Apes Paid Tribute to Caesar in its Opening Scene
Rather than starting with the new story in the movie, Kingdom of the Plant of Apes paid tribute to its late character, who was shot by Preacher, one of the militiamen he set free.
The new chapter of the movie shows the chimps many generations later when Caesar successfully delivered his tribe to their promised land.
However, the new movie is different than other sequels. This movie focuses on Noa (Owen Teague), whose qualities and actions are mirrored with Caesar.
Noa was raised in the Eagle clan, which is known for its thriving and highly evolved apes.
Noa opening scene shows him and his two friends swinging at a height to pull the eggs out of the eagle nest.
Cut to his growing, Noa left his village and got to know a wise orangutan, Raka, who made him known about Caesar’s teachings. He also meets a human child (Freya Allan).
Furthermore, the film opens and ends with a dramatic ape fight, which causes viewers to notice a contrast with the other sequel, which features apes fighting humans.
Additional Information
- While Caesar was shot down, Red comes to takes revenge and kills Preacher being executed by another militiaman.
- Kingdom of the Plant of the Apes will be released in 10 May 2024 in the United States.
- Noa is played by an American actor Owen Teague.