The show Clipped came out, and the leaked recording went viral, revealing that V. Stiviano sees herself as half Black and half Mexican.
V. Stiviano was an ex-girlfriend of Donald Sterling, an American businessman who owned the Los Angeles Clippers and San Diego professional basketball teams.
Additionally, Donald Sterling’s recording was said to have been leaked by Stiviano for some unknown reason, but she denied the false accusation.
Following the above cases, The TV show “Clipped” portrays a real incident from 2014, exposing a racist remark made by Donald Sterling.
Donald Denied V. Stiviano Ethnicity Phrasing “You Are Supposed To Be Delicate White or Latina Girl“
Prior to the fame, V. Stiviano used to be known by her birth name Vannesa Maria Perez, who is 42 years old as of 2025.
Stiviano was born to a poor Mexican family in Los Angeles and raised in Texas. Her childhood was almost spent facing financial scarcity.
Martha Perez, Stiviano’s mother, provided all the financial support for her family, which eventually resulted in her association with various illegal activities.
Martha even used her three kids to steal grocery items from a supermarket, leading her to be arrested and convicted of theft.
In addition, Martha married a construction worker, Guillermo Beltran, to help her get over the situation.
Also, it is believed that Stiviano’s biological father was of African-American descent.
Stiviano also revealed that coming from a different ethnic background than the locals, she often faced difficulties related to her identity and race.
And before finishing high school, she changed her real name while moving to Los Angeles from Texas.
When her name change case was taken to court, documents revealed that she believed her family would face rejection from people in Texas due to their racial background.
In addition, the court documents regarding Stiviano’s case disclosed another motive she had for changing her name. She had stated;
born from a rape case and having yet been fully accepted because of my race.
Stiviano was born as a result of a rape, and only her biological father’s ethnic background is known.
Moreover, in the leaked tape, it was seen how she used to identify herself as half Mexican and half black. With that said, she added, “I wish I could change the color of my skin.”
However, Donald Sterling was never in hand to hand regarding her false claim of her being half black. Denying to her ethnic background, he added,
You’re supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate latina girl
Donald Sterling clearly expressed his views on Stiviano’s ethnic background rather than supporting her mixed race.
Additional Information
- Donald Seterling and V. Stiviano first met each other in the 2010 Super Bowl.
- While in relationship the billionaire Donald gifted Stiviano beautiful home worth of $2.6 million.
- Upon the leaked recording NBA lifetime banned Donald to attend any NBA games.